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The Best Chicken Breeds for City Farming

The Best Chicken Breeds for City Farming

When it comes to choosing chicken breeds for urban farming, there are several things to consider, such as noise levels, space requirements, temperament, egg production, and overall adaptability to an urban environment. Here are some chicken breeds that are typically considered suitable for urban farmers:

Photo of a Rhode Island Red Chicken

Rhode Island Red: 

Rhode Island Reds are known for their excellent egg-laying abilities, producing around 200-300 brown eggs per year. They are hardy, adaptable, and have a calm temperament.

Photo of two Sussex Chickens one brown and one white


Sussex chickens are known for their docile nature and are well-suited for urban settings. They are good layers, producing approximately 250-300 brown eggs per year. They come in various color variations, including white, red, and speckled.

Photo of black Australorp Chicken with white background


Australorps are friendly, quiet, and highly productive layers. They have a calm disposition and are known for setting records in egg production, with around 250-300 brown eggs per year. They have glossy black feathers that resist dirt, making them suitable for urban environments.

Photo of a buff colored Orpington Chicken


Orpingtons are large, gentle birds that come in various colors, including black, blue, buff, and white. They are known for being good layers, producing around 150-200 brown eggs per year. Their friendly nature and fluffy appearance make them popular among urban chicken keepers.


Photo of a Plymouth Rock Chicken in a yard

Plymouth Rock (Barred Rock): 

Plymouth Rocks are dual-purpose birds, meaning they are good both for egg production and meat. They are quiet, easy to handle, and adapt well to urban settings. They lay approximately 200-280 brown eggs per year.

Photo of two Silkie Chickens one black and one white in a yard


Silkies: (Our personal favorites!)

Silkies are small, bantam-sized chickens known for their unique appearance, with fluffy plumage and feathered feet. They are friendly, quiet, and make great pets. While their egg production is lower (around 100-150 cream-colored eggs per year), they are favored for their broodiness and ability to hatch and care for chicks. They do well in both colder and warmer climates and because they are bantams (smaller size) you can fit a few more hens in your chicken coop.

Remember that local regulations and restrictions may apply to urban chicken keeping, such as limits on the number of chickens allowed or specific breed restrictions. It's essential to check with your local authorities or urban farming organizations for specific guidelines in your area.

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